Wednesday, 13 February 2013


So a few of you may know I've been battling a heel spur for a year now.  Some days it's good, others I can barely walk.  I finally bit the bullet and saw a specialist about it.  While it wasn't a bad one, it was not ever going to improve.

So we decided it had to come off.  Well.  I don't quite think I knew what I was getting myself into.  I planned to take this week off work, working from home next week and back to the office in a moon boot the week after.


Fluffy and I arrived at the hospital early yesterday, around 12.30, then had to wait almost an hour for my room.  Once it was ready I bid him farewell (he was in a one hour parking space) and made my way upstairs.  However, the room still wasn't ready.  While milling about the nurses station, I overheard two orderlies mention my name.  Seems the doctor had rearranged the schedule and I was being called for pick up.

So I had to wait a few minutes down the hall while they finished my bed, then it was all systems go.  I had one nurse helping me change, another doing my wrist band and asking me to confirm all my information, a third making my bed.  I had to go to the bathroom but our shared room was occupied, so I had to wait a bit for that to free up.

Then it was here, lie down, and we were off.

They wheeled me into the waiting bay for a bit, then took me into theatre.  Just before they put me under the clock read 1.58pm.

Next thing I woke in recovery, and the clock said 3.00pm.  Quick.  I hate coming out of anaesthetic.  I shiver, cry, never feel like I am breathing properly, and end up with a throat full of crap.  It's so annoying.  This time I just couldn't stay awake.  I dozed a bit for an hour before I went back to the room.

Once there it was the same.  I wasn't hungry, felt off, and couldn't stay awake.  But I also couldn't sleep.  I only dozed lightly until around eleven, when they gave me something to help me sleep.  Then I managed a few hours light sleep.  But what kept me awake most of the time was the need for a bed pan.  8 times between 3.00 pm and 4.00am, with five of those before ten pm.  They joked that if there was a prize for output I would win it.  At least we know my kidneys are working.

This morning I felt a little better.  I ate breakfast of semolina, half a cup of tea and a cup of juice.  I wasn't allowed to move until the physio came and got me to have a go at crutches and a walking frame.  She suggested the frame would be better for me because it's easier.  Boy, how true that is.  I struggle with it, but the crutches are even harder.

Eventually I was taken for a shower.  Aah blessed relief being mobile.  Tricky, though.  I'm not sure how I'll manage here.  Top and Tails I think.  The shower is way too small for the chair, but Fluffy will help with a solution I'm sure.  He's the thinker of the house.

So now I'm home, and been on the couch all afternoon.  The pain block they put in my leg has worn off so I'm in a bit of pain.  I am ensconced on the recliner, and don't move unless I have to go potty.  I hope tomorrow I'll be stronger.  I have to sit as much as possible with my foot raised so movement is limited for the time being.

I have to see the doctor on the 25th, after which I thought I was going to go back to work but he says he doubts I'll be mobile enough to tackle the stairs up to work.  So another week working from home.  Sigh.  Not the best idea, because I don't have a big work area here in the couch.  I'm sure I'll figure something out though.

For now, I think I'll just look forward to my next pain killer and the big sleep I'll have tonight in my own bed.

I'll keep you posted as new stuff happens...


JoeinVegas said...

Looking for the next pain killer already?

Ouch, I feel the pain - sorry, but in a few months it will all be over and you will be able to walk without noticing the spur.

Anonymous said...

The only time Ive been under anaesthetic (?) and I loved it! Felt like Id had a power nap! And talk about hungry afterwards! Rest up old girl! love Rat

SOL's view said...

Yeah, going under doesn't do me any favours either. The only thing I ever remember of the recovery room is desperately fighting raging nausea. I always wake up hours later back in the ward, and usually attached to an oxygen bottle.

Get mobile lovely. Sooner you get a handle on that frame the better. :)

sparklingmerlot said...

Ouchies indeed. Hope you're up and about by now.

Anonymous said...

love you love wally