Thursday, 26 April 2007

And the excitement continues!

Man, what a week! Having a holiday in the middle of the week does terrible things to one's psyche. Like this morning, when I went to put the bins out...

I have recently been "promoted" at work, well, more like shoved out onto the reception desk. I was orignially employed as a .7 (or, seven tenths of a full working week) which was great. Then, I was moved to reception when our receptionist resigned. Which is ok. Exept I ended up volunteering for an extra hour's work per day. Good thing too, as now I am still classed as a .7, but do the work of 1.7. There were few of the receptionist's tasks which were allocated to the other girls, and I have absorbed the rest, while still maintaing my role. Which means I am on full throttle from start to finish! Which means, when I take time to de-stress, I reach for that bite of chocolate. Geez! Will this nightmare never end? What is it with me and chocolate? Surely I am not alone out there? Surely someone else has chocolate addictions when stressed?

I have stepped up the exercise (shudder at that word) marginally, though. Like Tuesday morning. Him got a phonecall at 11.30 Monday night telling him he was needed at work. So, up he gets, trundles off to work (over half an hour's drive away). When he gets there, the day shift supervisor (whom he has been replacing while he was on leave) was there. So back home he comes. Then, after getting home at 1.30am, he has to get back up at 5.15am. I tell you there is no God (sorry, God, just venting...) So, as I was awake too, I got up and jogged around the bedroom.

Yes, I am sorry to say, my jogging skills are somewhat akin to Cliffy Young, but never the less, I jogged around my bedroom for over 15 minutes...

What will I think of next? Stay tuned....

Friday, 20 April 2007

Weddings, parties, anything...

Have you noticed how much food you can actually eat at a wedding? My brother-in-law got married last weekend. It was a very lovely ceremony, complete with a slight sprinkle of rain, and a breeze that kept blowing the ceremonial candle out...all good signs, I am sure...

We travelled by plane to Brisbane, then hired a car to Gympie. It was good to drive up familiar highways. Things haven't changed that much in 5 years. We stopped off at the Big Pineapple at Nambour, and my chips got stuck. Ok. So that was lunch. Dinner that night we ate at the restaurant at the motel. Quite a lovely place, and not terribly expensive. My prawns got stuck.

Next morning was breakfast at McDonalds for something different. My hash browns got stuck. Hmmmm I can see a pattern here. We met mum and dad for coffee. They had travelled to Gympie to see us. Hot chocolate was terriffic! Forgot to ask for skinny though, but heck, its not like I had been eating a lot! We had a lovely morning, and mum's brother from Brisbane was in the area, so got to see him too.

Lunch time we ate at the food court. I ordered roast beef with gravy. My roast beef got stuck. Man, this is becoming a habit! Anyway, we got ourselves ready for the wedding, and Jr Her looked lovely in yellow and gold. Him scrubbed up well in a suit and light green shirt too. Lots of photos were taken, and we sat down to eat. Guess what? Wrong! The roast was tender, potatoes soft with crispy outsides, and I even managed to drink a couple cans of Diet Coke (sorry, Pepsi, it was all they had!). So, I finally got my first meal in 48 hours. Man, that was worth the wait. I reckon when I got home my clothes were just that bit more comfortable...

Wednesday, 11 April 2007

This could get depressing

So, doctor's appointment was, well, a disappointment. I must say I like my scales better than his. According to mine I have lost about 2kg but according to his, I have lost less than one! I ask you, where is the justice in that!

He was very good, told me to be patient, stay away from the chocolates, blah blah blah. The thought of being offered this job permanantly is scaring the pants off me! (Not a pretty sight...) I desperately need to get as far away from chocolate as possible. For example, already today I have had a large Freddo. And it's only lunch time! Sigh.

But all is not lost. I have proven to myself I can eat pretty much what I like and not put weight on. So, when I lose the weight I can let myself slide a little. Now, if I could only just lose the weight in the first place....

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Oh Dear...

Have you ever noticed how a good dose of stress affects one's eating habits? If it's not losing your keys and being late for work (then finding them tucked into a previously unknown pocket of your tiny handbag), to having a mother cat bring her brood of kittens to visit for a few days, it's putting a HUGE scrape down the side of HIM's beloved car from a wayward gatepost (I swear, it jumped out at me!)

I seem to find the need to nibble that extra caramel filled chocolate egg, or that bite sized picnic bar at morning tea. Working for a confectionary company can be a real drag sometimes. Not that it doesn't have its upsides, like being invited to the Twighlight Races for the Christmas function, or to a fancy conference centre for an awards night. But the access to a free, seemingly unending supply of chocolate products is proving lethal! True, when you are on the verge of tears because you know when you get home you are going to get in trouble for scratching the car, that chocolate bar is awfully comforting...

I have a weigh-in at the Dr on Thursday...I'll keep you posted...

Monday, 2 April 2007

Miss Me?

Well, its been a long time between drinks, so to speak! Work has a way of getting in the way of one's blog time. It seems lately I have been work, work and more work! Which makes the day go faster but man, sometimes I need some serious "me" time to unwind...and with Him and Jr Her that doesn't happen often.

And with time flying past at an alarming rate, so the doctor's appointment draws ever closer. I am sorry to say, the weight just won't go away...I wonder if it has something to do with the 3-4 caramel filled solid eggs that pass my lips through the day? Or the Pick N Mix size bar that went through there as well. Whatever it is, I was sure I had been losing a little bit of weight. But sadly, when I stepped on those scales the other day I was alarmed to find that I was back up again. Mind games! I think it all depends on what time of the day I weigh myself. Note to self...if it is after six am, don't bother....