I forgot to tell you last weekend, Dodge caught a mouse. He was playing with something in the hall, and when I went to have a look, this is what I found:
He played with it for a couple of hours before going back outside, so I think he either ate the whole thing (I know for a fact he ate some of it) or he took the rest outside with him.
Monday Dobby played netball, well that is she had training. Halfway through a storm hit, and as I was home alone, I decided to run a bath. But when the storm hit, I expected them to come home... they didn't. So I waited, and waited. Heck, I figured I'd just jump in for a quick bath. Sure enough, they came home! I had to open the door in my towel! They kept playing in the rain apparently, until the storm got too bad.
Tuesday Dobby had my headcold. Well, she had been getting it for a couple days. But she came into my room and said "I'm not going to school today. I feel terrible. My throat is blocked, my nose is blocked and I don't feel well. If I go to school I'll just have to stay in the sick room..."
Well, as she is almost in highschool and will have to spend school holidays home alone, I figured she can stay home. I told her to make herself a bed on the couch, then wrote a list of food she was allowed to eat (otherwise she would eat me out of house and home through boredom!) and put some nasal spray, throat lozenges and tissues out, and left her to it.
Apart from something freaking out the dog, she did quite well. Ate more than I gave her permission for, but that's nothing new. The dog found his way under our bed and refused to come out. When he did, he piddled everywhere.
Wednesday she was well enough to go to school. The dog still didn't want to go outside, so required gentle persuasion... Wednesday night was guitar. She went in by herself this time. Previously Fluffy had sat in but he said she was big enough to go alone this time. She did. She needs a different pick and a cable for her amp so we will do that Saturday.
Thursday was quiet all around this time.
Friday was hell on earth at work. One of my suppliers didn't process an interstate delivery so we had to scramble to find another. Boss was getting quite angry at everyone and that included me several times. It was one of those days when I could easily have just walked out. Indeed, if there had been others in my workplace who could temporarily absorb my duties, I would have. Who needs it?
Then, I had to drop a cheque to him after work for signing, then go to the cinema to see if I could prebook tickets to see Kings of Mykonos. I won a double pass, and wanted to go Sunday. It started raining just before I left work, and rained all evening. It's been raining on and off since.
I got the tickets, bought a couple of bags of lollies to take with us, some other groceries, then bought KFC and headed home. Nothing like bringing lazy tea home on a cold, wet, winter evening. Aaah.
Saturday was strange. The sun was out often, but it still rained a heck of a lot. Dobby had complained on and off about a sore leg since she got stepped on at netball practice a few weeks ago, then she did something to the other leg at skipping practice recently. So we made an appointment with the physio at the end of our street. Turns out she had a 3" knot in one calf, and the bottom of her shin muscles were very tight and kept spasming in the other leg.
She ended up having acupuncture to get rid of the knot and massage for the tight spot...
Then, we took her down to the music shop to buy a better guitar pick, and a new lead for her amp. She was happy because we also bought her a music stand. Now, I think, she will practice a bit more, because she can actually hear what she is playing.
Back home to get ready for netball. As we are leaving its pouring rain. Oh dear. And like all winter sports, they play rain or shine. And rain it did. Almost every quarter. I had on a supposed all-weather jacket, but toward the end my arms were getting quite wet. I didn't use an umbrella because the area beside the court was very narrow and the umpire had to walk up and down. It was a funny game because no one could hold onto the ball, there were a couple of falls, and two injuries.
It was Fluffy and my turn to keep time, so as I had done it before, I offered to do it so Fluffy could sit in the car out of the rain. He ended up out in some of the lighter rain anyway, but didn't get toooo wet. We all did. In the end, the girls won 17-14. Whew! Home for a hot shower and schnitzel for dinner.
Sunday it's still raining. I like to stand on the back patio and watch the rain. Especially when the sun is out. It looks lovely. Everything is green and fresh. Mind you, during heavy rain the back yard goes under water around the grape vine where the downpipe empties, and the carport gutters are full of holes so it just pours in one big river there!
Today we had an early lunch with Nan and Hermione at the Pancake Kitchen in the city. It was a lot of fun, and because Dobby really needs black pants for school we had a look around Rundle Mall. I found 3 pair for her but none of them fitted properly. Keep looking...
We left Nan and Hermione at the train station, and caught the tram home. After we picked up the car from the tram stop, it was a quick dash inside by myself to pick up the packets of lollies I had bought Friday, and back into the car. We lined up outside the theatre, and luckily were among the first to enter. Dobby likes to sit right at the top of the middle aisle, in the back row. So that's were we watched Kings of Mykonos. It was a very good movie, and we had fun.
Home now, it's still cold and raining, and I have just put seasoned potato cubes and lamb chops into the oven. Then, I think it's time for an anti inflammatory tablet and bed. I am getting sick of these joint pains, time to put a stop to them for a couple of days.
Night everyone!