This last week was busy, with a SAPI meeting on Thursday at my place, then an Undercoverwear Party as well. Did okay there - I had $90 to spend and a half price garment. I managed to score:
1 long sleeved tee
1 top
1 pair black pants
1 knitted sleeveless vest, open at the front
1 jersey (trakky dak material) ruffle front black jacket.
All for the low cost of $66.50, and that was because the long sleeved tee and the top were on special so I had to pay full price for those. Neat.
I also went to a Miche Bag party on Saturday, where I purchased a purse for $50. Hope it does the trick now...
Anyway, on with my pictorial...
To begin our ride, the first two photos are of a play area at Noarlunga, not far from where Dobby does cadets. A few weeks ago we had a "meet and greet" with some of the support staff at cadets, and we didn't have time to come all the way home and go back, so we bought pizza and sat down at the playground. Pity it was so cold. But it was also our anniversary, so it was a nice way to spend an hour or so together.
This is a pic of Mother's photo albums all wrapped up for her.
These two old cars were outside RG's where Moose took us to breakfast on the Sunday after Mother's party. Neat, aren't they?
On the way to Cobdogla the other weekend, we stopped at the roadhouse at Blanchetown for a bite to eat. Lovely wedges they do there.... The sun was just setting, and we still had a way to go.
At Cobdogla (or Cobby as we preferred to call it) I took Lawsy and Dobby to see the train and history museum. It was a little place that had a few old pumps and pieces of machinery on display.
Cobdogla is famous for the Humphrey pump, which irrigated a large portion of the countryside for industry such as grapes and farming.
This fellow was awesome to see - HUGE! There are about 6 people sitting way up there. They got to go for a ride about 100m down the track and back again while the fellow did a running commentary.
Dobby was quite fascinated by the old motors, and actually said she would like to be a diesel mechanic because she loved the smell of fuel and oil. I'd like to see her do that, actually. She'd be good at it.
The train was about to leave so we jumped aboard for a look. It wound it's way slowly out through the back of the grounds, past the caravan park next door where we were all staying, and around some of the wine country.
Pretty area, and the weather was perfect for the day.
Just to finish off, this photo was taken on Monday morning out on my back patio. Daylight saving must be drawing to a close when we get sunrises like that after 7.00am!
Anyway, that's it from me this week. Catch you next time.
The photos are lovely and for some reason, I really like the one of the BP sign standing against the sunset. It reminds me of breakfast stops on road trips. :)
... actually, kinda makes me wish I could do one again ...
Gorgeous sunset photos.
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