So, I hope you had a good Easter. As always, we went away with the club. I'm not going to bother putting pictures up, because the one or two who actually read this are also FB friends and can see them there.
It was a horribly busy week last week. Work has been rather stressful (for both Fluffy and myself) and Dobby has been busy with an incident at school. Seems some immature young girls posted a stupid video on Youtube, which caused a minor riot at school. The poor students were inundated by media and horrid taunts from other school kids. Dobby was very stressed about it. She mentioned it to me late on Tuesday night, after cadets, while she was checking Facebook, and said that some girls had done this stupid thing and that the proverbial was going to hit the fan the next day.
It blew up on Wednesday, and the girls were put into lockdown. They were not allowed to walk home from school alone, and her friend, who lives close by, asked if Dobby could walk home with her. I picked her up on my way to run a million errands, and as a result completely forgot about guitar. Sigh. Means I have to pay $50 this week... they rip you off cause you have to pay whether you go or not. Stupid.
Anyway, we got through that, and it was time to pack up and head up to Eudunda Area School for the long weekend.
Fluffy took a couple hours off on Thursday afternoon, so headed up early. Dobby and I left around 5pm and got up there just before 7. We even took the long way around because we missed a turn off...
Later that night Fluffy realised he had left the most important part of the weekend at home, so had to go back on Friday morning to get it. He took a lovely fellow named Danno with him and left early.
But through the morning a horrible gale force wind blew up, and where we were parked we bore the brunt of it sweeping down the oval. All his awnings blew down, with menfolk running from all over to help me dismantle it all.
Naturally, when Fluffy got back and saw what we had done, he was livid. He pulled down the remaining stuff, hooked up the van, and turned it around. Then that's where it stayed for the day with no awning or anything. That wind was ferocious! The tent that Dobby and her friend had slept in the night before fell over, so Fluffy put up her tent (facing backwards) and added the side walls and then strung our spare awning across the front as an extra wall. That left a tiny gap in the side for access. Did you know what you can fit 3 stretchers and a mattress in there? Mind there was no walking space... but it was fun to set up for them.
Friday night Dan's father died. Wenz came into the room in tears saying she had to go. Her daughter was sharing a tent with our kid and another teen, who arrived that day, so they stuck together to wait for more news, while Wenz and Danno drove the short trip to the next town to be with the family.
Later that night there was a terrible cry. They had just told the young lass that her pop had passed away. Her sister was brought back with them, and the girls (including my kid) all rallied around and they all stayed in a 2 man tent ...
On Saturday the wind had stopped (thankfully) and the sun came out for the most part. I think a lot of people were a little unsettled. Danno drove back to Kapunda but the girls and Wenz stayed. There wasn't anything anyone could do until Tuesday when businesses opened again. We kept them all distracted.
But then later in the morning Sally, a rehab nurse, found out that one of her patients had passed away. He had been there for quite some time, and apparently all the girls who travelled used to send him postcards. So that was a little sad too.
But the Advisory Committee (as us girls call ourselves) rallied around and had some lovely girly time doing our toenails out in the sun.
Saturday night we had a hot pot dinner. There were supposed to be 20 families there (67 people in all). I think that may have been close. We all put dishes out on the long centre table and helped ourselves. I did a slow cooked chicken curry with corn, but it really needed just a bit more coconut cream. I have the leftover for lunch today...
That was followed by what Crate labled "prum" pudding (it was a wonderful boiled plum pudding her dad made, which was 2/3 rum! Bloody good it was!) with custard.
Sunday was a visit by EB. I had to help put out the little eggs for the egg hunt. I gave my camera to one of the lads to hold, and it came back with pictures of a dog's bum, keys hanging out a car door, ME (ugh), car tow hitches, and other ramdom stuff. Funny as.
The kids had a ball. After, they all go and sit on EB's lap (including the adults). As I was taking photos I was happy to stay there but then they all started chanting my name so I had to hand over the camera to Dobby and go up for my bunny. Sigh...
Sunday night we had a social. They are always fun. We never know what we are doing until we get there. This time Crate and Jenny had organised a game show themed night. We had a game of Price is Right (which was hilarious because they got 4 kids for each team to hold a grocery product, while two families had to arrange them in order. One of the kids was 17 and over 6' tall, and another of his team was 7 and about 4' tall).
Then we played some family feud type games, followed by a wheel of fortune game, which I participated in. Couldn't get the clue, but eventually someone did and got the question right.
Then of course, it was Monday and time to pack up. It rained. But luckily it was only light, and by the time Morning cuppa was over the tents and stuff had dried out. We took our time, and headed off spot on 12. We were home by 1.45. Always nice to come home after a weekend away. It was an odd sort of weekend. Because he has been under a lot of stress, Fluffy spent a lot of it alone reading or sleeping. Dobby disappeared with her girls for the most part (coming home only to eat and leave a mess), and I got some paperwork and a lot of reading done.
It was so cold, though. We found ourselves pulling on winter coats quite a bit. It's even cold here today, and overcast. Dobby is on holidays now, and spending the day with a friend helping keep her two fluffy cats out from under the feet of the renovators doing their kitchen. Should be an interesting day for her...
Anyway, not sure if there will be anything to post for the next couple of weeks. Dobby is on holidays, I am at work, nothing new. She is marching in the Anzac Day parade on the 25th, so that will be the next lot of photos I'll have up. If all goes well she'll get her slouch hat on the night before, so keep your fingers crossed for her please!
Till then, stay well and finish that chocolate off! Mmmm!
1 comment:
Lol! I'm so sad ... when you wrote time for the EB, I was wondering what the games chain store had to do with it....
A very quiet weekend, but I won't say relaxing! It's always good and yet a little anticlimactic to get home after a trip away, isn't it.
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