Tuesday, 30 December 2008

New Room

So the big surprise for Jr Her is that we completely did her room over. We moved her big bunk to under the window so she has light over her desk, and took out the old battered furniture and replaced it with new wardrobes with doors.

We found a bean bag at Le Cornu for $40 (on sale from $69) and bought her a lime green shag rug to match.

All her clothes were sorted and hung up, put into drawers and baskets inside the cupboards, and all but one shelf of her book case was sorted and tidied as well.

She walked in last night, and stopped dead in her tracks. She loves it! So far she has almost managed to keep it clean but I expect that will only last a few days. But don't you love change? It's as good as a holiday!

Monday, 29 December 2008

Party Time

Andrew, Mandy, Tanya, Leanne, Me, Dad and Mum - The Gang All Together for the first time in many, many years!

The birthday boy and mum

So I just realised I hadn't blogged about pop's 70th birthday party. The two readers of mine who were there will know what it was like, and I hope you enjoyed yourselves!

We arrived in Rocky to high 30 degree temperatures, after leaving a cold, wet Adelaide at six in the morning. Of course, the hire car was boiling hot, and black inside too. Welcome back to Queensland!

Anyway, we drove the hour or so to Gladstone in air conditioned comfort, stopping only for a bite to eat outside Rocky. We went straight to mum and dad's, and it was great to see so many people already there - uncle and aunt from Tewantin, my brother and nephew from Tamworth, and the rest of the immediate family. My other sister from Brisbane showed up just after us too, if memory serves me well.

After stopping to see if my in-laws were home (they weren't), we went to Tannum to book into our hotel. It was lovely and the pool was right outside our room. Jr Her couldn't get into her togs quick enough. Even I donned my cossie and spent a little while enjoying the somewhat warm water of the pool. Him had a nap and Jr Her and I wandered down the road to KFC for lunch (it was after 3.00 by this time).

Off to the party that evening, and all dad's family were there. Only one sister living in New Zealand couldn't make it, but luckily, a brother who is quite ill made it, as did his other brother and sisters. He had asked for a couple of friends to come, most of whom made the effort, plus he invited my good friends Wally and her husband, and Rat and her husband, plus two other friends I had not seen for a very long time. It was terribly hot, muggy, and definitely detrimental to one's make up and hair, but really, at the end of the day, we were there for a great get-together! Pop's meal didn't arrive, though, and we had to go chase it. The pub, however, were very helpful, buying candles for me, and shouting the birthday boy's dessert (no one bought him a cake!)

Grace, Joan, Pearl, Pop, Colin and Dud

He had a lovely time, and we got some great photos. As the last of the stragglers were leaving, a severe storm hit and we were all caught in a massive downpour. Drenched just running to our cars! Then we couldn't see in front of us driving down the highway back to Tannum! Scary!

Anyway, Sunday was also hot and muggy, and we met up with Wally, Rat and Rat's hubby for breakfast. That was a lovely chance to catch up and relax. Then back to Calliope for coffee with all the rellies before they departed for other regions. We had a lovely catch up with them. Then down to Tannum with Him's family, and back into Gladstone to see a friend whose birthday it was that day. She got a surprise when I showed up personally to delivery her card. Time for coffee with other friends, then back to Calliope for dinner. Another storm on Sunday afternoon as well, but that seemed to break the heat.

Monday dawned a lovely cool day, typically, and we packed up to leave early. Out to Calliope for a further chat with the family, then we took the car to the airport. Mum and dad came with us, and while Him stayed with the luggage (good boy that he is) Jr Her and I went shopping briefly with Mum and Dad. Mum bought me a lovely top too.

It was sad to leave Jr Her at the airport, but exciting as well, as it meant some "alone" time for Him and I. Wally came to the airport to say goodbye (I think to make sure we really did leave town).

In Brisbane we were met by my friend Pat who was good enough to sit with us for a couple of hours while we waited for our plane. I ended up with a severe headache and the trip went forever, and when we got into Adelaide our luggage was not on the carousel. Man, that's scary! But apparently it had arrived home before us and was waiting patiently out back for our return.

Tuesday Him jetted off to Melbourne for two nights, so I had extra "me" time. I did enjoy that.

Now, Jr Her is back tonight. As I write this she is on a stopover in Brisbane, probably whinging about being bored silly, but excited all the same to be coming home.

I'll let you know what she thinks of her surprise...

Sunday, 28 December 2008

End of an adeventure

So it's almost time for Jr Her to come home. I am both looking forward to it and dreading it. She is lovely, she is my daughter, she is fun. But she is also a "tweenie", with raging hormones and a bad attitude!

We have spoken on the phone daily (sometimes more) since we got home, and there have been the occasional time when she has gotten emotional because she didn't get her own way. That I am not looking forward to. But most of the time she is bright and full of fun. That I am looking forward to.

We have a huge surprise waiting, as I mentioned previously, which we expanded on this morning. Details when she gets home. We also stopped at a local dump house which had 50% off everything and bought her a couple of other little cheap things to throw under the tree, and Him bought me a black heavy cotton suit jacket for work (believe it or not, I need it in summer cause the boss has the air conditioning up so high...) and two new pairs of shoes (reduced to $7.50 each). Very nice!

We chose to come home them, too much money flying out the door!

Our Christmas was excellent. After my last post, we went back to the boss's house for lunch. We arrived somewhere around 1.00pm, and left at about 6.45pm... It was a wonderful afternoon, and Him had a few cordials. I don't drink much so I just had water. But it was lovely food, company, and a great afternoon.

Then, I treated Him to a barber shave and massage at Destinations for Men on Christmas Eve. I waited outside until he finished, fully expecting him to come out for a smoke when he was done. I waited half an hour, and finally, after a missed call, found him sitting quite happily inside waiting for me! Just goes to show, when you think you know someone...

Miller's had a $16.95 sale, so he indulged me quickly and I found a pair of red 3/4 pants (several sizes technically too big but just fit), a red singlet with jewels studded around the neck, a pair of black 3/4 pants, and a red and white fitted blouse. All lovely. The red pants had the button missing so I got those for $10.

We went home, connected the van, and about 1.00pm headed over to Point Turton on the Yorke Peninsula. A very nice relaxing trip over, travelling at just over 100kph, and used a whole tank of fuel! Shock! But our site at the caravan park was lovely and it wasn't too busy.

The next day we went to friends in Stansbury for Christmas. We have known these friends for about nine years, and heard all about their families so often, that when we finally met them we felt we had all know each other forever. It was a very lovely day, and we got home about 7.30pm (after borrowing some petrol from one of them who keeps a gerry can spare lucky for us!)

That night a party in the park kept me awake until 3.00am, and we were up at 5.00am to go fishing. We hard the squid are plentiful off the jetty next to the caravan park so we took our chances.

Unfortunately for us, they were only interested in our baited hook, not our squid jig! Very frustrating, because the big king fish swimming below, in full view, were NOT interested in our bait hook. After 4 hours we came home empty handed (and I promptly fell asleep reading).

While Christmas day was cool (I needed a light jacket) Boxing day was actually hot. The park started to fill up with families, and tents and noise, and we just hung about doing nothing in particular at all. I had a little sun dress on and got a lovely tan on my shoulders.

By that evening we had managed to score a trifecta. When we travel, we always get 1) rained on; 2) cold and 3) surrounded by tents and babies. It was cold Christmas eve, and it rained briefly, and on Boxing day a huge family with a baby moved in right behind us! The place was a real hive of people, tents, millions of boats, and noise. But somehow it just didn't matter.

We took our chances at the jetty again after dinner, and this time managed to catch 3 squid with the squid jigs. But that took us another 4 hours to achieve! I did enjoy it though, and wish Jr Her were more patient as I love fishing.

Anyway, we were quite tired by 1.00am when we got to bed, and slept until 5.45 when something woke me up. Then again at 6.30 something else woke me, and finally at 7.30 the garbage truck woke me. I gave up, so we got up and packed up. We left about 9,15am and headed home. It was amazing how much traffic was travelling the other way! We had a great trip home, and only used half a tank this time (weird) as we travelled 10k under the speed limit. Stupid fuel gauge!

Anyway, now we have just today and tomorrow before the peace is broken and Jr Her arrives home in a cyclonic wave of noise and attitude. She is going to get such a surprise... I can't wait to tell you about it!

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Merry Christmas!

So I just thought I would drop all my avid readers (yes, all 3 of you...) a Christmas wish for happiness, health and all things good.

I am about half an hour away from finishing for the year (Actually, I have finished, but have to wait for 12.30 before I can officially say I am done)... then it is off to the Boss's house for the afternoon. My predecessor will be there, so that will be interesting. There is a distinct tension between us but we are both grown up (I think).

Jr Her is in Gladstone for another week, so Him and I are taking the van across to the Yorke Peninsula for 3 nights. I am looking forward to that. It will be the first time it has been just he and I. When we told our friends over there we were going to be around they invited us for Christmas lunch. Very much appreciated! Hopefully the weather will stay nice so we can go fishing Boxing day for a little while. Home Saturday then pick up Jr Her Monday evening.

We have been very busy and gotten a surprise ready for her return. I won't write about it here in case someone she is around reads it... but lets just say, she won't be expecting it at all.

When she comes home we will be having our own Christmas. She doesn't get in until after nine Monday night, so we will do the present thing Tuesday morning, with Christmas nibbles and lunch that day as well. If I think of it I may even buy some bon bons. She loves those.

It has been quite pleasant without her, and Him and I get a chance to bond again, but it will be nice to have her back too, as I know she missed us too. Him misses his little mate, and I miss my argue buddy.

So, anyway, I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas, and a safe and fun New Year. See you all in 2009! xxxx

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Must be nearly Christmas

Last Wednesday we were invited to a VIP sale at Good Guys. Time to update the electrical bits and pieces so off we went.

I needed a new iron (well, the one I was using was about ten years old...) so found a Phillips reduced from $119 to about $75. Him decided I should get a better hair dryer, so found one of those for $44 (from $59) and then a new kettle ($56 down from $75).

Him also bought himself an MP3 player but that was only reduced $10. But he was happy.

But the real treat was the massaging cushion he bought me. It goes on the chair (in our case, the office chair) and has rotating balls which move up and down the length of the back, and another set to do the neck and shoulders. It also has heat if you wish. Reduced supposedly from $300 to $259, but I saw it in other catalogues for $259 as well. Whatever the case, I love it.

Somehow I think I have received all my Christmas prezzies, yes?

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

the bane of all parent's existence...

Bloody head lice. Yep, Jr Her has another dose. I had to treat her again last night. That's the 3rd time this half of the year. I did find some stuff that works, called Moov. It is a thick liquid that goes on fairly easily, then you shove a shower cap on for ten minutes. Seems to actually kill them (for a change...)

I think I know where they are coming from. Well, I hate to say that, but I do. Jr Her has mentioned a certain friend of hers scratched some out onto the desk recently. Said little girl doesn't wash or even brush her hair so anything is possible.

The theory is that they only like clean hair, but i beg to differ. All the cases I have known of at the school are in dirty heads, and Jr Her is less than pedantic about her own hygiene, so no, I don't believe that to be entirely the case.

And it always seems to be when we have appointments with the hairdresser. She missed the last one because she had just been treated. We are due again next Tuesday so hopefully we can scrape through after her second treatment Monday night.

Stupid parents not being vigilant. I hate that... Now I have an itch...