Friday, 25 December 2009

Merry Christmas

So I had every intention of posting a few Christmas pics here today, of the dog with his Christmas hat with the lights, and the cat playing with his new toy, but, ya know, I just couldn't be bothered. They will have to wait until our return from the Great Ocean Adventure.

This week has been rather good. It certainly went very quickly. Monday and Tuesday were work days, but the excitement of impending holidays meant it was rather more interesting. The Boss and I made sure we had everything done on time, and when Fluffy arrived just before 1pm Wednesday we closed up shop and took off. After a quick petrol stop we climbed to the 9th floor of Air Apartments and retired to the balcony.

Lunch was a long and lovely affair, prawn and avocado wantons (very tasty), steak and salad, and mince pie with icecream and meringue. Very nice. Fluffy and Boss went glass for glass and I admit, when Boss, a seasoned plonk, was slurring his words, Fluffy was visually unaffected. Just happy. He makes a happy drunk.

About half past six we departed for friends who had taken possession of Dobby at noon, and there a party was in full swing too. We stayed for more food, and when Dobby's whines of "I've been here for hours! I want to go home" got too much, we made for our own domicile.

All in all, a lovely way to begin holidays.

Christmas Eve was spent battling the shopping centre for carpark just so we could acquire macadamias and milk. I had asked Fluffy to pick some up earlier in the week but he was unable to locate macadamias at the small local shops he went to. So, on the busiest day of the year, we were forced to brave the hustle and bustle of the shopping centre. We decided it was probably a good idea to partake of refreshments while there, so we stopped for coffee and cake too.

Dobby was quite excited about Christmas so went to bed early. I woke up at four to the sound of banging outside. I went for a look but didn't find anything suspicious. Unfortunately for me I woke up Dobby. Mistake. At five she got up for a loo break. At five-thirty she gave up and turned on the telly. At six she woke us up. I shooed her out but at six-forty five mum rang. Okay, I admitted defeat and crawled out of bed.

Quick wash of the hair, don the new black summer dress, and a cuppa and it was present time. Man, I sure did well! Dobby was swimming in wrapping paper, as we always buy her lots of little things and wrap them separately, so she feels thoroughly spoiled. Fluffy got some much needed money and some other bits and bobs, including a new drill I bought him.

I received some wonderful gifts. So, apart from the scooter and eternity ring, I also received:

* Bath gel gift set from sister
* Home baked biscuits from another sister (Yummo!!!!)
* Much needed socks and a heart shaped egg ring from Bestie (Dobby loved her necklace, too! x)
* Frog pin and earrings from Mother
* Stencil kit from Mother
* Pate dish and knife from Walking Buddy
* A bonk from the hubby *note to self - don't leave a half-written blog open while attending the washing....*
* 3 frogs sitting on a park bench in the "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" pose
* A huge basket (which will come in handy) with shower gel, moisturiser, lip balm, body scrub and a soft fluffy robe
* $100 gift voucher for a facial and massage from the local beauty spot.

So, all in all a wonderful Christmas. Then, we just chilled out for a while. Pottered about the place. I eventually swept and mopped the kitchen dining area, vacuumed the house, stripped the sheets off the bed and remade it with a bottom sheet and blanket (the house sitter will bring his own bedding), put unneeded stuff away, did two loads of laundry, and made sure I had everything we needed for our Great Ocean Adventure.

Dobby played with the million gifts she received for most of the day. Fluffy did some last minute things in the van.

Hermione arrived about four and she and Nan, and Nan's daughter and granddaughters stayed for a coffee.

For dinner we had a roast beef, salad, baked potatoes (cubed not whole, but seasoned with herb and garlic seasoning), and chili prawns with macadamias (see we had to get those nuts, just wouldn't have worked without them). Dessert was plum pudding with icecream and custard.

Plenty of food, and plenty of leftovers to take away. I made sandwiches for the road too.

Then, after everyone had their showers I put the towels through the wash and now they are in the dryer I can go to bed. There will be clothes in the hamper for two weeks, but I am not comfortable leaving them on the line for the house sitter to bring in. If it were a woman I may be but it isn't.

So, anyway, this is my last post for a bit. I will check back in a couple of days, probably from Geelong, to let you know how we are traveling.

Until then, Merry Christmas gang! xxx

Monday, 21 December 2009

Christmas giveaway

So I found this give-away through another friend's blog page.

I really liked it because one of the prizes is - a Colleen. Now, what better name than that???

Have a look at this lovely little Irish blog. It's lovely!

Sunday, 20 December 2009

Jingle bells...

It's almost upon us. That one day of the year we seem to spend most money on, give the biggest build up to... but for me, it's just another day. Well, what I mean is, someone still has to cook, do the washing, clean the house.

It is good for kids, I admit. But once everyone has opened their presents, it's all over. We always spend it by ourselves here in Adelaide. Our friends all have families and friends of their own, so we are always just we three. It's just another day to me.

This year, however, it will be especially busy. It's the day before the Great Ocean Adventure. Which means the van has to be packed, washing done after everyone has showered. House cleaned to perfection ready for the house sitter, blah blah blah. Plus, cook lunch, clean up the mess the present-opening has made, change the litter tray, vacuum the floor and mop the kitchen. Who needs it?

The family have in their usual order for lunch - a roast beef, baked potatoes, salad, and chilli prawns with macadamias. No worries there. The leftover roast will go toward sandwiches to take for lunch on the way to Horsham Boxing day.

We aim to be on the road at nine that morning. I have already said that I will need all hands on deck to achieve that goal. Hope we can do it - it's a long drive...

We have plenty of nibblies to take. This weekend Hermione came over Friday so I could take her to the hair dresser. I will post photos of her and Dobby another time - when Dobby gets over her hissy fits and actually lets me take one.

When Nan dropped her off she also dropped off Fluffy's Christmas gift - a basket filled with chocolate balls, apricot slice, cockles and a little bag of a chocolate treat.

Plus a large round fruit cake.

Plus a larger round chocolate cake.

We have managed to eat half the chocolate cake and I hope when they drop in later they will have more.

When we took Hermione home yesterday we also left Dobby with them. Aaaah. Blessed silence. We went straight to friend's house for lunch, then made our way to another friend for afternoon tea. We got home about six thoroughly full. Later I did manage baked beans on toast for dinner.

I went shopping yesterday at Millers (before we took the girls home) and they had $16.95 specials again. I bought a pair of bathers, a cover for them, a black and white sun dress, a white and olive blouse, and olive 3/4 pants. Lovely!

Last night I also made white Christmas. With glace ginger. Very nice. Today I made rum balls. I also popped over to a friend's house to drop off her gift, then Fluffy and I wandered down to Castle Plaza and bought a small mobile broadband stick. Not much value to it, but it will mean I can keep you all up to date with our travels, if not upload pics till we get home.

We had lunch while there and when we got home made arrangements for the house sitter to come over and pick up the key. Then I did another load of laundry, changed the litter tray, remade the stripped bed, and tidied up somewhat.

Now Nan will be dropping Dobby off any time and the peace will end... sadly.

So anyway, until I get a spare minute to blog again, Merry Christmas to you all and may your house be filled with love.


Sunday, 13 December 2009

Is it holiday time yet?

My how time flies when you're having fun. Well, it seems to anyway.

We actually had a party last night to go to. At the Christmas rally we got invited to a sausage sizzle at a member's house. Well, it was great. There was a lot of people there, and we even knew some of them, so we plenty of people to chat to. Dobby knew a few of the kids and one was an older child whom she knew from the club so she was happy. We arrived about 5.15pm, and left after 10.3o. Ate sooo much (no sausages for me though, it would have gotten in the way of all the other junk I was eating!) So, good company, good food, great night.

Today was housework day. Dobby got up and made the first half of a batch of shake and pour pancakes, which meant I finished it and cleaned up the mess after. I did 3 loads of washing (and one of those I had to put through the rinse again cause someone left a chapstick in her pocket and it blocked the drain on the machine so the clothes didn't spin out).

I also swept and mopped the kitchen and dining room, changed the sheets on the bed, did about two hours ironing, and cleaned the loo and changed the litter tray. Now I just have to get the washing off the line. Fluffy vacuumed the floors for me and tidied the office, and Dobby cleaned her room (for a change).

I have also been playing with Fluffy's new digital SLR type camera. What do you think?

Now, Fluffy is on day shift for his last week of work, Hermione is coming Friday and Friday night I am taking the girls to the hair dresser. Saturday we are taking them home before lunch and Dobby is staying the night, then Fluffy and I get to go to a friends place for a lovely lunch. Hermione's nan is bringing the girls home Sunday afternoon.

Then, on 23rd I have the work breakup. Fluffy will take Dobby up to friends at lunch time, and as they are having a bbq that night, she will help set up and/or entertain their little boy. Probably a bit of both. Then, when we pick her up after my work do, we will stay for a drink.

Then, it's CHRISTMAS! Man, where did the year go????

Sigh. I need a holiday!

Monday, 7 December 2009

Sunburn really sucks

So we went to Goolwa for the weekend this weekend. It was supposed to be our first Official club entry, but as it turned out, we only received the actual application form this weekend to join, and paid half our membership. But, pay we did, and join we did! Hopefully we will be approved and badged up at the next rally in Aldinga January long weekend! Woot!

Anyway, I was lucky enough to get off work early on Friday and we left home about 1.30. Had a good run down the Expressway and got there about 2.40. Our site was small, or so we thought, but it turned out the people who pulled in before us, who were beside us, actually had half our site. Anyway, because it was only Dobby we put up the smaller tent, which was jammed up against the back of the van behind us. Sorry about that. He was fine with it though.

We decided to go for dinner with some of the other club members Friday night, and it was lovely. Good food, and we were the young ones, all the others were old but it was a lot of fun.

Saturday I helped Fluffy finish off decorating the van. We put lights around the awning and across the top of the van, and a sign saying Merry Christmas with lights behind it on the wall, plus the Piece De Resistance, a blow up Santa on a motorbike. And would you believe, I didn't even THINK to get a photo! D'oh! Stupid me.

Anyway, We had morning tea with the club Saturday morning, followed almost immediately by Cub Games. We lost on the first round this time. Happy about that, but we were expected to stay for the whole round. As I was not really prepared, and got called out of something else to attend, I didn't have a hat or sun screen and now I have a very red face with huge white owl eyes from wearing sunnies. I look ridiculous!

After games was Kids Club. We had about an hour to spare between them so I took Dobby for a dash into town to see if we could get a cheap pair of shorts for her (she wanted to swim again but felt uncomfortable in just the bikini and rashi). We did. I also bought a few other little bits and pieces and made it back in time to have a quick bite before Dobby dashed off for Kids Club.

We finished the van at that time. Then Dobby went swimming again while we went for a walk around.

We all got changed for dinner and headed off to the scout hall at 4.00pm. Needless to say, I looked stupid with my sunburn, but the dress I got to wear for the first time looked nice.

Santa came and gave presents to the kids. He looked at Samantha, who stands as tall as myself and is a lady's size 12, and exclaimed "My, you're a big girl!". We cacked ourselves laughing because she has a mild Santa/Clown phobia and gets embarrassed easily. She kept asking "do I have to sit on his knee?" We assured her she didn't. We got it wrong! She did! Haha. It was funny.

Then all the ladies lined up to receive our gifts and we all sat on Santa's lap (apparently he loves my hair and the earrings I was wearing).

Then the men lined up for their gifts and they had to sit on Santa's lap too. Very, very funny.

We had dinner, and it was very nice. Cold ham, turky, two baked potatoes, side salads, rolls, and gravy. Very tasty. Then, hot pudding and custard for dessert. (I had two). We also had raffles, and on about 4 occasions I was one number out. Never mind. It was a very great night.

Sunday we had morning tea before we left, and we won the best decorated van. Wasn't really a contest - only a couple other vans had anything on them, and they weren't much. Hopefully next year everyone will get into it. We won a set of solar fairy lights. Lovely!

We were home by about 1.30. Lazy afternoon then, washing and putting stuff away, reading, trying to make the pain in my face go away.... :-(

I get two weeks break then do it all again for our Great Ocean Road treck. Joy...