Tuesday, 20 December 2011

It's almost Christmas

Feeling a bit unsettled lately. There is so much sadness and badness in the world. I have a lovely friend who has family troubles, another whose husband has just passed away after a long illness. Another whose mother may be forced to sell up due to an influx of refugees. Lots of angst in the world.

I really just wanted to try to bring some positivity back. So this is for all my friends and friends I haven't met yet. I want to send you love, peace and happiness this Festive Season, whatever religion or belief you carry. I am a Christian, a proud Christian, and I believe personally that this is a time to remember that God loves you, and that I love you.

We should be casting aside our troubles, and focusing on a new beginning in 2012, and taking a few moments to remember those less fortunate than ourselves. Reach out to the person next to you and tell them they are a valuable human being, smile when you walk past someone in the street, and phone that friend or family member you just haven't had time to contact in ages.

Believe me, positivity starts with you. So here's my bit. Have a Merry Christmas, may your days be filled with peace and love, and may God bless each and every one of you.



Anonymous said...

love and sunshine wally

Chris H said...

Thank you chick.
I am certainly going to be doing things differently in 2012, losing weight being a huge number ONE.

TWO is trying to do more for ME and STEW instead of everyone else!

Love and best wishes to you and your family.

SOL's view said...

I remember reading this and thought I'd left a comment. Obviously I hadn't!

Hope your holiday was relaxing! :)