I don't have too much to report, though next weekend should be a good one.
After our holiday we have been back to the whole work, eat, sleep routine. Dobby has had a friend or two over, and spent two nights at a friend's house, so that gave her a bit of a break.
I have been furiously working to get mum's scrapbooks complete. But then I found that I am actually out of room, with still so many good photos to mount, so I bought a 3rd album yesterday. That has taken up most of my spare time.
I also rearranged my "play" area, making a bigger space with things a bit more organised. I think when I get these books done I might have to actually finish our New Zealand holiday? But sadly we lost the written account of the trip, which formed the basis of the album, so not sure how to work around that now.
Nothing terribly exciting has been going on. This weekend we moved Dobby's room around. Not ideal but she likes it anyway. A good opportunity to give it a bit of a clean. If she keeps it clean she can start to make some money again, but I'm not hopeful. Yesterday, although she actually made the bed, she did get it into a bit of a mess again.
It's hard to believe that the holidays for her are now over. Well, almost. We head off to Coobowie on Wednesday night, and when we return on Sunday, she will have one sleep till school. First day back she has school photos in preparation for their identity cards, and on the Tuesday she has cadets. She has agreed that this year she will be more committed to cadets, going every week as if it were a job. Fingers crossed.
Yesterday Dobby and I went into the city to visit the museum, something she liked to do as a child. We paid $20 for both of us to visit their special exhibition on the abyss in the ocean, and frankly, we were ripped off. They had a kids play thingy right next to the viewing screen, and there were kids just running rampant in there. Running around, yelling. Not a parent in control anywhere. Then, the displays were just dead, wrinkly fish in glass boxes. There were little boxes you lifted the lids on to feel or see things, but they were so hard to see in the dark. Overall, it was totally crap and I wish we had kept our money.
Because lunch set me back $30. We had nachos and a drink each. Mind you, they were great nachos. Worth it. But I wasn't expecting it to be so expensive. Wait, yes I was. Museum food is always dear. It was a lovely day out though. Hot, bloody hot.
The Tour Down Under has been in town the last week. For those who don't watch the news that's an international cycling event that floods the town in lycra. I hate it personally. Well, I like what it does for Adelaide's profile, and what it does for the town financially, but I hate being held up on the roads by millions of cyclists and wannabe cyclists. This week, however, I hardly saw any. While we were in town, they last of the road races was held, and it wound through North Adelaide. The main bridge from the city to North Adelaide was closed off. We were on North Terrace, where the start of the closure was, and as we were waiting for the lights to change, we looked down toward the cycling event and saw the support vehicles racing around the bend in the crowd. Well, what we actually saw was car after car of bicycles - we could only see the bikes strapped to the roofs. However, that, and the hovering helicopter, provided some light moments. As did the 8' tall bagpipe player in the mall. I had a hard time convincing Dobby that he wasn't really that tall, as his costume was so good it all but hid his stilts. He had a long kilt, long socks, good leg covers, and a tall black fluffy hat. His babpipe playing wasn't bad either. He disappeared into Darryl Lea, where we had just been a few minutes earlier...
Well, at this point in time I can't think of any further things worth gossiping about so I'll leave it here. I'll post a better one next week after our trip, which will hopefully see some photos. Till then, ciao.
Why no photo of the 8' bagpipe player??? Just like me you forgot to take a pic, right?
The city trip would have been a fun way to spend the afternoon. Shame you didn't get what you hoped from the exhibition.
Are you sure he just wasn't really tall? Those hats tend to make you look bigger
He was a GIANT! No way on earth he could really be that tall :-)
I didn't get a pic because we were too far away, at the tram stop, and he was only in view a short time. Sorry.
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