Wednesday 21 March 2007

Sunshine, on my shoulders...

Man, driving six hours in the country with no airconditioning is not what it used to be, let me tell you.

We recently spent a long weekend in Mildura, Victoria, which was bought and paid for back when I was working full time, and could afford to take time off work. Now, with public holidays and the like, I had to forfeit 2 days pay...ouch.

But, I digress. Yep, Thursday on the way home from said work, the airconditioner blew up. Miffed, I was! I had been telling Him for sometime that something was wrong, but no, it must have been something I was doing. So, when he found out he phoned the garage, who said they would look first thing in the morning. There went our early start. All preparations stopped as did all packing, as we probably weren't going. Won't drive in the heat...

However, after discovering it was going to cost over $1000 to repair (and deciding it really wasn't that necessary to have airconditioning...) we were off. Well, by the time we got to Mildura it was after 3.00pm, and the hottest part of the day. Sun blazed, sweat soaked and tempers flared.

But you know, through it all, Jr Her sat watching her portable DVD player, playing with her Bratz dolls and generally being an alien sent to confuse her parents. We were expecting all sorts of complaints (she is not the most patient person...) but she was on her best behaviour. Thank heavens for small miracles!

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